2nd International Swiss Guards Polo Cup 2007
Under the high patronage of:
H.E. Ulrich Lehner, Ambassador of Switzerland to France
H.E. Jean-Didier Roisin, Ambassador of France to Switzerland
The Fondation 1792 presented the 2nd Intl. Swiss Polo Cup, the 15th of September at the Haras de la Forge in Deauville France. The event was brought to you thanks to the generosity of our sponsors: art trade finance l.t.d., Skanderberg Memorial and Champagne de Venoge.
An international charity, society and lifestyle event around a polo cup in a private Polo Club in France opened the first time to the public. The Haras de la Forge hosted this exclusive event within walking distance of the famous beach resort of Deauville. The 2nd International Swiss Guards Polo Cup (8-9 goals) at the Haras de la Forge was hosted as a charitable event by the Fondation 1792. The event brought back the century old rivalry between the legendary Corps des Mousquetaires and the Guardes Suisses, which were seeking revenge for last years defeat, competing for the 2nd International Swiss Guards Polo Cup.
The Gardes Suisses, sponsored by Skanderberg Memorial
No. 1 Michael Bruggler
No. 2 Fernando Bergera
No. 3 Ludovic Pailloncy
No. 4 Hugues Pailloncy
The Corps de Mousquetaires, sponsored by Champagne de Venoge
No. 1 Dominique Beguet
No. 2 Evrard de Spa
No. 3 Mathias Landino
No. 4 Philippe Lartigue
Sponsors & Partners
Title Sponsor
Art Trade Finance AG
Team Sponsors
Champagne de Venoge
Skanderberg Memorial
Official Equipment Supplier
La Martina
Champagne Sponsor
Champagne de Venoge
Official Partners
Lauquen Water
La Martina
Holland & Holland